In a Sea of Salt

there is only one me in this galaxy; i am an endangered species; yes sirree the whole world should revolve around me

Thursday, October 15, 2009


16 credit hours. I am taking 6 classes next semester -- talk about a need for caffeine. Luckily, it worked out that I only go to school on Tuesday's and Thursday's. I will have MWF off, but not really. I am still TAing in my free time and doing research within the department -- so it may seem like I have a lucky break next semester, but I am going to be extremely busy.

Only 2 semesters left. Spring, (1 class in the summer) and then the Fall of 2010 I will be graduated with a degree in Psychology. I am still wanting to go on and get my Master's degree but where I want to go is still the question. David will graduate this Spring and he will be trying to find a school to go to. Most likely, him and I will end up going to Mizzou. I'm not a big fan of Columbia, but at least we won't be moving out of the state.

I really thought this semester was going to be my hardest yet. Even though it has technically been my hardest semester, I've found that I can manage my classes easily. I'm just happy that I can do it and not fail. As of right now, I have straight A's. :]

So I have grown to hate facebook. The only reason I even get on facebook anymore is to play with my virtual Farm and Cafe. Blah. I'm so tired of the ignorance I read on it. Lately, all I hear lately is how much everyone hates President Obama and how they can't believe he won a Nobel Peace Prize. Personally, I am glad he got one. Think of the tension there was around the world when President Douchebag (Bush) was in office. Oh well, whatever. I'm over it.

Another person I hate with a flaming passion is Rush Limbaugh. Seriously? Why does he still have a freaking radio show? He is the biggest racist, homophobic idiot on the PLANET. If there is anyone out there who thinks what he says is even remotely accurate, please -- do not read my blog anymore. Gross. Here are a few choice quotes from ex-drug addict Rush Limbaugh for those of you who don't know who he is.

  • You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back” -- Rush Limbaugh to a black female caller on his radio show
  • “If we are going to start rewarding no skills and stupid people - I'm serious, let the unskilled jobs, let the kinds of jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do - let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work” -- Rush Limbaugh
DO YOU GET IT YET? In case you don't.. here are a few more.

  • "Too many whites are getting away with drug use...Too many whites are getting away with drug sales...The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them, and send them up the river, too." --in 1995 -- Rush FREAKING Limbaugh
    AND THEN..
    "I am addicted to prescription pain medication." --in 2003 -- RUSH LIMBAUGH!!!!
  • "Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society."-- Rush Limbaugh
  • It’s Obama’s America, is it not? Obama’s America, white kids getting beat up on school buses now. You put your kids on a school bus, you expect safety but in Obama’s America the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering -- Limbaugh
WOO -- I hate that guy. Another person I hate is Ann Coulter. She is the biggest bitch on this entire planet. Here are my two favorite STUPID quote from this ignorance asshole.
  • “I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote. No, they all have to give up their vote, not just, you know, the lady clapping and me. The problem with women voting — and your Communists will back me up on this — is that, you know, women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it. And when they take these polls, it’s always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.” -- Coulter
  • "People like you caused us to lose that war." -- Coulter talking to a DISABLED Vietnam Vet. She was then fired because of this comment.
I hate you both.

Anyways -- I went and saw Zombieland. HILARIOUS. We actually saw it twice because it was so good. For those of you who do not like Zombie movies, this one isn't that bad. It actually has it's romantic/sad/serious moments. Great movie!

Well, I suppose that is my update. I am going to work on some homework now.



Blogger Sandi said...

Great post - I love it!!! As far as your school news - "You Rock!!" Keep it up. We're so proud of you! LUVUMUCH!!!

October 16, 2009 at 3:46 AM  

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