In a Sea of Salt

there is only one me in this galaxy; i am an endangered species; yes sirree the whole world should revolve around me

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I don't know what to do. I am distraught and upset.

Oscar isn't adjusting. At first we let me have free reign of the house. Ozwald would pee to mark territory and Oscar would pee over it. They both pee'd on everything. Oscar got into the trash and tore everything up inside the house that he could get a handle on. We decided to kennel him. He has been kenneled for the past 2 weeks when we aren't there. He gets to come out when we are home and hang out with us, but at night he goes back in because we can't trust him. He tears up his puppy pads and flips his water over along with his food. I'm scared he is miserable in there, but I feel I have no other choice in the matter but to kennel him. Is that me being selfish? Over the past month he has been extremely frieghtened of us. He won't come near us at all. We go to get him in his kennel and he backs away into the corner. We go to take him outside and he runs around before we can get the collar on. He even bit David today.

He has made vast improvements though. He can now go outside and potty when we take him on the leash and he even follows us around outside, behind us of course. He will even go up the stairs now which is an extreme improvement from when we first brought him home.

That's about all the improvement he has made. I'm scared to give him up because of the life that he could have to some other family, but I am afraid that I am not giving him the life he deserves. Am I a bad person to give him back to the adoption agency? If she brings Oscar to the store I will just die inside knowing that I gave up on this little helpless animal who needed me. What if he goes to an awful home? What if he gets mistreated? What if he never escapes the torment of being at an adoption agency until he dies because no one wanted to give him the time to adjust?

I have had 2 weeks extra time to get this dog to love me as much as I love him... but he won't love me back. I am scared, nervous.. and only have until Saturday to decide.

I wish David would help me make my decision but he keeps saying that it's my dog and my decision.

Am I a horrible person?


Blogger Unknown said...

You know my thoughts on this, but I also know that whatever decision you make will be the correct one.

October 1, 2008 at 10:36 PM  
Blogger Ms. Quinn said...

You aren't a miserable person. You have so much going on right now it's hard to deal with a dog (or two) who is very difficult. However, he has had 5 years of living a miserable life. He's not used to being able to run around and tear things up or interacting with other dogs besides screwing them. He's like a perpetual puppy. He never grew up. He needs time but that time could take months. If you can't handle him I would put an ad out or something and try to give him to someone yourself. That way you can see their house and see how they would interact with him. You just have to be very clear to anyone interested that he is a serious work in progress. Loves you, everything will workout.

October 2, 2008 at 2:29 AM  

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