In a Sea of Salt

there is only one me in this galaxy; i am an endangered species; yes sirree the whole world should revolve around me

Saturday, February 28, 2009


I think I am the only person in this town who loves snow. I would live in Alaska or the mountains if it meant I could see snow every day. Just provide an indoor water park and I'll be set for life. I love cold weather. I think I have adapted to enjoying cold weather because it means (in some instances) no school, NO ALLERGIES and no blistering heat. Three things I hate just knocked out all together! It's amazing.

It wasn't my decision to wake up as early as I did today. I meant to sleep in til noon. The cat would NOT stop cleaning him self on the bed. Then, he started attacking my feet. It was horrible so I finally just gave up and go out of bed. Now HE is sleeping. What a punk.

Last night David and I made stuffed ricotta shells with alfredo sauce on half and spaghetti sauce on the other half. It was amazingly good! I have forgotten how good simple meals are! :o)

Today is 2 months since David and I went major grocery shopping. It makes me feel good to know that him and I can just wait it and use all of our resources. Today I was thinking of making home made pretzels.

That is one thing I LOVE about having my own kitchen. I have made SO MUCH home made stuff lately. I love it! I LOVE to cook! I think I have found something that I find really calming. It just really takes my mind away from life when I am busy measuring things. The other night David and I made sweet corn tomalitos. It's the like... corn pudding blob you get on the side of your dish at a mexican restaurant. It was SO good!

Well, I am just rambling now. My birthday is a week from Wednesday! How EXCITING! I can finally buy a single can of beer to cook with! WOOHOO!!


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