In a Sea of Salt

there is only one me in this galaxy; i am an endangered species; yes sirree the whole world should revolve around me

Monday, January 5, 2009

[horrible day]

My day started out BAD. But, like my Grandma says, "If god brings you to it, he will bring you through it," and I honestly believe that.

Here goes
  • - I wake up around 10AM and the cat jumped on top of my night stand, knocking over a glass of water onto my dog. I step in the puddle of water.
  • - I put my clothes on to go to work and I can't find a pair of socks and I feel like I'm going to throw up.
  • - I head to work and promptly become the clumsiest person on the planet. I knock things over, break a few bottles, drop bird cups and spill water all over Nancy's bills.
  • - My boss is upset with us because we can't get the animals done, even though I really think we were quite on time today!, and tell us not to go to lunch until we can get stuff done faster.
  • - I ask a girl I work with if she will work for me on Saturday so I can go home and she makes up a few excuses as to why she can't, and I understand. It's Saturday, working for someone on that day would blow...but I did work for her. I guess my karma will come in some other form. :)
  • - I let a red factor canary out of the cage and had to chase it all over the store.
  • - I let a baby finch out of the cage where I am chasing it all over the back room. As I go to swing the net, I knock over a bottle of bearded dragon pellets and it scatters the pellets everywhere. I finally can see the finch hanging from a light fixture so I swing, miss, hit the fixture and knock the plug out of the outlet hanging from the 10 foot ceiling. I have to get a ladder re-plug in the fixture and as I turn around I slam my head into the parallel fixture hanging behind my head. I do, however, catch the finch in mid air with the net. That's pretty impressive.
  • - My boss gets back from lunch and tells us that we still can't go to lunch until we have the animals finished. Mind you, I did the birds, the entire back room and half of reptile. I was ready for some mega-lunch!
  • - Around three, she lets me just leave for the day. This is after I have still ran into things, catching my hoodie on a bird cage and almost ripping it off the shelf.
  • - I go out to my car to go home and low and behold, my car is dead! I left the lights on. :( I call David, he gets me and we jump start my car.
  • - I get home, make dinner and then go to sit in the kitchen chair and BREAK IT! I literally fell onto the floor and David just watched in awe. The legs were already wobbly but, with them being on carpet, they did not slide as I sat... they just... popped out from under me and down I went. I felt fat and really didn't want to eat the rest of my dinner. David can easily repair it but still.. I just looked up at him and said.. "horrible day." I really wanted to cry at this point.
So far, after the chair incident, nothing bad has happened to me....yet.

I did however, make no-bake cookies. This recipe is fool proof.. there is literally no way you can even mess this up. For those of you out there.. here it is! (I use skim milk and light butter... with all of the sugar, at least this kind of battles how unhealthy they are!!)

  1. 1/2 fat free skim milk
  2. 1 3/4 cup sugar
  3. 1/2 cup peanut butter (chunky or creamy, you're choice)
  4. 1 tsp vanilla extract
  5. 4 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  6. 1/2 cup light butter
  7. 3 cups quick oats

Combined MILK, SUGAR, BUTTER, and COCOA POWDER in a medium saucepan. Stir frequently. Boil for 1 1/2 minutes and then remove from heat. Stir in PEANUT BUTTER (until melted), then OATS and VANILLA EXTRACT until well blended. Use a tbsp to place mixture onto wax paper in cookie shape (you can make big or small cookies!!!) Then, put in the refrigerator to cool. Once the cookies are done you should easily be able to pick them off of the wax paper! ENJOY!

My boyfriend absolutely loves these cookies. Geez, my blog seems to always end up talking about food! Maybe that's why I ended up breaking the chair! :( I kid.. I kid. ^_^


NOW, I will leave you with my new favorite song. It actually fits the mood on how I feel about my life.. today. :)

Don't think too hard, if you think it hurts that bad. Don't talk about it. Don't let it get you down. It's only one part, of the story. just let it go. Don't let this get you down now.

Sing... the last thing on your mind, the last word on your breath. I'll be the one to keep you, I'll keep you at your best. The last thing on your mind, 'cause I don't need your mess. I'll be the one to keep you, one disaster less.

Straighten up your tie, take the microphone; forget about it. Don't let it get you down. Now is not the time, and you're not alone. Shut UP about it. Now one can bring you down now.

I'll be okay, if you're okay.

Lights - The Last Thing On Your Mind


Blogger Ms. Quinn said...

Oh my gosh Rachael! I can not believe all of that happened to you in one day. That is crazy but you have to admit that would be one funny episode for television :) Loves you!!

January 6, 2009 at 1:06 AM  
Blogger Tony Quinn said...

That was a bad day....

January 9, 2009 at 6:45 PM  
Blogger Sandi said...

Sorry Sweetie - it was a bad day for me also. We had to put our beloved kitty down that morning due to complications from diabetes she developed in Sept. She had been with us for a little over 10 years, and like Grandpa always said, she is the best little kitty we've ever had. It was so hard on both of us. But, the next day was better, and the next even better. Hope they were for you also! LUVU!!!

January 9, 2009 at 10:00 PM  

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