In a Sea of Salt

there is only one me in this galaxy; i am an endangered species; yes sirree the whole world should revolve around me

Thursday, May 28, 2009

[green thumb]

This post is going to have a HUGE amount of pictures... lol like, A TON!!

My perspective on gardening has changed completely within this past spring/summer. Ever since I started getting my allergy shots, I have been able to enjoy the outdoors. I love it. I love everything that's green. I love the flowers, I love the trees, I love garden plants.. I love it all.

I have to thank my Dad for allowing me to help him garden (and break the fence with the lawn mower!!!) because this has changed me. Just helping him plant some melon seeds, building a trellis, planting flowers, and shoveling dirt is SO enjoyable when you can sit back and enjoy it.

Over the weekend, David bought me some stuff so I can have my own garden on our balcony. We already had some lettuce, CRAZY tomatoes that are almost as tall as me, pepper plants and green bean plants! I have a bunch of pictures to show you, including my NEW garden!! YAY! (A BIG THANKS TO MY BOYFRIEND DAVID FOR DOING THIS FOR ME!!)

Ozwald watching me garden

This is my new garden! I have cucumbers (i know i dont have room but it's still fun!) green beans, sugar snap peas and green onions!

This is me gardening in my new garden hehe

This is a random picture of a common snapping turtle we found. We called him Feet. LOL

this is our sad little herb garden lol

India Mustard!

Our bell pepper! Already getting so big!

Be jealous of our tomatoes mwhahahha

Our lettuce thats getting crazy. We cut it back today lol

Our tomato plants are almost taller than me!!

OKAY, now for some REALLY awesome news!! Our chinchillas had babies!! Both girls had babies! AND David's snake eggs hatched!!!!!

Hypomelanistic corn snake and an Amelanistic corn snake!! WooHoo!! 2 different colors in one batch!

That's the hypomel poking out of the egg!!

These are the chinchillas! The two girls are Kimchi and Sushi!

This is 2 of the 5 baby chinchillas born!! One even escaped and we found it behind the cage thank the lord! It would have died otherwise!!!
So there are 5 total and they are all as cute as can BE!

This is David slaving over the mochi my mom bought us from japan! He ate the whole box lol

This is a candid pic of Oz and Goku. They love sleeping up on their bed together :)



Blogger Tony Quinn said...

When did you start growing all of that stuff. "Last November?" If your doing miracle grow everyday don't stop. I can't believe how big that stuff is...

June 2, 2009 at 5:51 PM  

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