In a Sea of Salt

there is only one me in this galaxy; i am an endangered species; yes sirree the whole world should revolve around me

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Stressssssssseddddd out!!!!

So, my paychecks are tiny... and my bills are huge. I can't seem to keep my head above water.

Now, my freaking charger that ISN'T EVEN 4 MONTHS OLD.. is broken. I think it got stepped on.
There is another $125 dollars down the drain for the second time within 6 months. Rent is due tomorrow, but I don't get paid until Friday!

I hate this part of my life.

I did get a 94% on my Spanish test.... but that doesn't pay the bills.

I had a hilarious video of Oscar freaking out inside of his cage. I recorded him today.. But, my computer died (the charger won't work... see above) so I can't post it. I have to drive to Lee Summit tomorrow to go to NASB and take money out of my savings to buy a new charger.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

[new moon]

Betsy and I splurged... The New Moon beings tonight.


I had the ride from absolute hell coming home.

First, Ozwald was driving me nuts. He kept jumping on my lap and begging for the window to be rolled down. Every time I would finally roll the window down he would back up and not even look out of it.

Second, Oscar was puking the entire ride. He threw up all over the towel and then shit and rolled in it. I had to immediately come home and shower him.

Third, The drive was awful---It always is.

I guess it wasn't as bad when I type it all out. I am just excited because for the next two days, I am "New Moon"ing it up. Gotta love Twilight. <3

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I got a B on my RDA test. I am so happy and relieved.

My allergies are slowly getting better. I have yet to get allergy shots but I think it is the weather and my new medications are really starting to help.

I am definitely working harder/longer than I should. I can't wait for when we hire someone else because that means that David and I will get our hours cut. It will be nice to just... relax and not work 30+ hours a week.

Oscar and Ozzie are finally kind of getting along.. minus all the peeing all over my stuff.
It's getting better.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I finally went to an allergy specialist.
They did the prick test for every pollen, grass and tree on my arm...

Most of the dots of ink wore off when they cleaned my arm. The big one in the center formed into the one from another row.. Apparently I am highly allergic to, you guessed it, rag weed. That one just went crazy. Lucky for me, I am not allergic to any animal too horribly bad. They all raised slightly, but not enough for me to be affected most of the time. My left arm was perfect... Every prick on my right arm raised at least 2 degree's.

My doctor is going to make me a cocktail of all my allergens and inject me once a week. Right now I am one extreme medication to ease the pain. Hopefully this all gets better soon.

By the way. RDA went great.

Monday, September 15, 2008

[the weight]

So, my RDA test is coming up. Am I prepared? No. I have 4 chapters (it's not that much) of BORING reading to memorize before Thursday. I hate this class. RDA Stats and Z-Scores suck.

Elise quit work. It is just David and I. Great.

I am addicted to Scrubs and Family Guy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Yesterday marks the official day that David has become a breeder. Our bearded dragon eggs hatched last night and the one that is out (the rest are still either half hanging out or in the eggs) is super cute. I will post pictures soon.

Today is the reptile show. I will be in Kansas City, KS for a few hours and then back home here in Warrensburg. I will post some pictures of things that we may have gotten. Today is the big reptile purchase day.

We are just waiting on some friends and then we are off.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Explain that.




As for Betsy, Just think, not pray. ;-)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Today my hair was shortened by 5".. On the top, by 7". I got a Korean Inspired hair cut, the whole time thinking of my sister and her cute little bob. I don't really like the way she cut the bangs, they are blunt and not shaped like I wanted but I can deal with them. They will grow faster than I could image. I sort of like it, I'm just not used it to. I already miss my long hair... but, Like Ashley says, Hair grows.

I should have smiled, but I'm too lazy to take another picture.

I am going to Hastings today to buy The Host by Stephanie Meyers. Ashley and I have our own book club where we discuss things over skype. Geeze.. I talk about Ashley a lot.. I miss my sister.

So -- Last Saturday David and I adopted a little poodle named Oscar. He is black and white and about half the size of my other poodle Oz. He came from a poodle puppy mill and is the saddest little dog you will ever see. He shakes constantly because he is not used to human contact. Any time we go near him he will either lay on the floor or run to a corner. He is getting a bit better... not getting startled when we sit next to him.. He doesn't even know how to use the stairs. I hope we can rehab him and that he will be happy. Ozzie hasn't warmed up to him quite yet, but they sleep on the same pillow at night now. Usually, but the time I wake up, one of them has moved. Oscar is 5 years old. David and I love him already.

Two of my three loves. The only thing missing is David... he'll be home at 1!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I don't know why I never listen to Ashley. It's not like she's ever wrong.

I have started reading Twilight. I am completely consumed in the book; actually, I can't wait to finish this blog so I can continue reading it. It has captivated me.

People in class probably thought something was wrong with me... I was smiling through every page. As stupid as it sounds, I can feel the intensity and the sexual tension between Bella and Edward.. Sigh.. once again, Thank you sister.

I am going to cut this short... I want to eat/read.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I don't understand, not fully. It's like I'm walking through his vivid dream, one event after another... not clear, but blurry. This life is blurry.

Sometimes, most days, I feel as if I am okay... and that I'm doing fine. But then other days, I feel like the only thing I can do is sit and wonder about nothing in particular. I am probably not making sense, but that's okay.

Sigh. I don't even know where I am getting with this. I am just all around frustrated.


I want to go to Africa. I want to visit Ghana and help those people in poverty. I want to travel there and make a difference. Intro to Africana Studies was not what I thought it was going to be. It has opened my eyes to the other side of this life. I want to donate, I want to give aid, I want to provide encouragement for those who need it. I feel like I am wasting my life not doing things that can help a community in need. Africa is full of corruption... the rich get richer and poor get poorer. I just want to stand up for something I believe in and give hope to at least one person in this world. It doesn't even have to be Africa. It can be China, India, Cuba, or even in the poverties of America. I want to be the difference. I have been thinking about this a lot.... and I think that's what I am most frustrated about.. I don't want a psychology degree... What I want most is to turn the light on in the dark... and help someone who needs it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Air conditioning is fixed! It was our blower, whatever that is. I have it set on 70 degree's just for a little while.. to just enjoy it before we turn it back up to 75.

After work today, David and I went to eat Chinese and then to Wal*Mart so they can steal all of my money. David's printer isn't working and my printer that I had at home is not here, so David and I settled and bought a pretty decent color printer with a separate black ink cartridge so we don't use all of our color ink on just printing in black and white. It was only 50 bucks, so I think I did pretty good. I have been printing up a storm because there are so many things I have needed to print but haven't had a printer.

For the past hour I have been going over flash cards for David so he can study for his Music test.

I feel good today. I still feel like I should vlog on youtube. David says he won't make a cameo unless I become famous. What shall I blog about...? :)

By the way, Hello Aunt Annette! It is nice to hear from you! <3

Monday, September 1, 2008

[the burg]

These past 3 weeks have definitely been interesting. I have moved out on my own, I have started a new job and I am living in a new city, Warrensburg (in Missouri).

Living on my own has been fun and not so fun. Decorating our apartment, setting up our 72 gallon bow front salt water aquarium, full reef (for all you nerds out there) and dealing with my dogs separation anxiety, let alone living for the first time alone with my boyfriend, David.

Let's start with the apartment.
David and I have just about everything you could have ever hoped for for your first apartment. We got couches, tables, a bed, a BIG TV, bookshelves, a kitchen table, and a ton of kitchen appliances from my Mom and Dad (BIG THANKS!!!!!!! ^_^) We got knick knacks, books, other tables, lamps, other appliances, bathroom stuff, towels, baskets, etc from David's family (another big thanks!!) and my very favorite, from Amy, a 72 gallon salt tank. David and I finally got all of the fish in our tank and the rocks set up, I can't wait for everyone to see it. It looks like a chuck of the ocean was taken and put right here in our apartment.

Now for the bad parts. Our AC is broken and our ceiling leaks sometimes. Buying food is annoying and oh my, I took my parents cooking for me for granted. There are nights I don't even feel like moving... but when I lived at home, my parents wouldn't feel like moving but would cook for me anyway. I was spoiled.

Living in Warrensburg has been great on my gas though. I went 2 weeks without having to gas! How awesome is that?

Not to mention the very fabulous University 8 Cinema. It features the very best of white trash movie viewing entertainment.

The job is fun. Working there is definitely different than working at Miles. It is a smaller environment and everything has to be by the ten dollar rule. If it is over ten bucks, good luck getting someone to buy it. David and I have made VAST improvements on the store though, Nancy really likes us. Not making ten bucks an hour is going to suck though.

School sucks. Uhm.. That's all on that. It just sucks.

Well, I have more to say but I am lazy right now. I just got done reading 35 pages on research methods and how to apply it in a psychological study.... Gross. I'll write later.